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Toggle10 Most Expensive Cigars in the World
No | Most Expensive Cigars | Price |
1 | Gurkha Royal Courtesan Cigar | $1,360,000/Cigar |
2 | Mayan Sicars Cigar | $507,000/Box |
3 | Gran Habano no. 5 “El Gigante” | $185,000/Cigar |
4 | Regius Double Corona Cigar | $54,000/Cigar |
5 | King of Denmark Cigar | $4,500/Cigar |
6 | Gurkha Black Dragon Cigar | $1,150/Cigar |
7 | Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve Cigar | $750~$1,000/Cigar |
8 | Cohiba Behike Cigar | $420/Cigar |
9 | Arturo Fuente Opus X | $300/Cigar |
10 | The Arturo Fuente Don Arturo Gran AniverXario (Sun Grown) |
Gurkha Royal Courtesan Cigar
The Gurkha Royal Courtesan Cigar is currently the most expensive in the world, worth $1,360,000. The Gurkha Royal Courtesan cigar is a premium cigar made by the Gurkha Cigar Company. It is a medium to full-bodied cigar that is hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic using a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco. The cigar features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, a Dominican binder, and a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. The cigar has a rich, complex flavor with notes of cedar, leather, and spices. It is a smooth, well-balanced cigar that is perfect for experienced cigar smokers. The Gurkha Royal Courtesan is available in several sizes, including a Churchill, a Robusto, and a Torpedo. It is considered a luxury cigar and is typically priced at a premium.
Mayan Sicars Cigar
The Mayan Sicars Cigar is currently the 2nd most expensive Cigar in the world, worth $507,000. The Mayan Sicars cigar is a premium cigar brand that is known for its high-quality construction and rich, complex flavor profile. The cigars are handcrafted in the traditional Mayan method, using only the finest tobacco leaves grown in the fertile soils of Central America. The cigars are characterized by a dark, oily wrapper and a smooth, even burn. The flavor profile is rich and complex, with notes of cocoa, cedar, and spice. The Mayan Sicars cigar is a perfect choice for the discerning smoker who appreciates a fine, handcrafted cigar.
Gran Habano no. 5 “El Gigante”
The Gran Habano no. 5 “El Gigante” is currently the 3rd most expensive Cigar in the world, worth $185,000. The Gran Habano no. 5 “El Gigante” is a large format cigar from the Gran Habano brand. It measures in at 9 inches by 60 ring gauge, making it one of the biggest cigars on the market. The cigar is made with a blend of Nicaraguan and Costa Rican fillers, a Nicaraguan binder, and a Nicaraguan wrapper. It is known for its smooth, medium-bodied flavor with notes of leather, earth, and a hint of sweetness. Due to its large size, it is recommended for experienced smokers with a bit of extra time on their hands to enjoy it.
Regius Double Corona Cigar
The Regius Double Corona Cigar is currently the 4th most expensive Cigar in the world, worth $54,000. The Regius Double Corona cigar is a premium cigar made by the Regius Cigars company. It is a medium to full-bodied cigar with a rich and complex flavor profile. The cigar is made with a blend of aged Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, wrapped in a dark and oily Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. The cigar is 7 inches long with a ring gauge of 49, making it a substantial smoke. The Regius Double Corona is known for its smooth, creamy smoke with notes of cedar, leather, and spice. It is a cigar that is best enjoyed after a hearty meal and with a glass of whiskey or brandy.
King of Denmark Cigar
The King of Denmark Cigar is currently the 5th most expensive Cigar in the world, worth $4,500. The King of Denmark cigar is a brand of cigar that is made on the Danish island of Bornholm. The cigars are handmade using tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua. They are known for their smooth flavor and consistent quality. The brand is owned by the Danish company Bornholmske Tobaksfabrik A/S.
Gurkha Black Dragon Cigar
The Gurkha Black Dragon Cigar is currently the 6th most expensive Cigar in the world, worth $1,150. The Gurkha Black Dragon cigar is a premium cigar made by the famous Gurkha Cigar Company. It is known for its rich, complex flavor and smooth, easy draw. The cigar is made with a blend of aged Dominican and Nicaraguan long-fillers, wrapped in a dark, oily Connecticut broadleaf Maduro wrapper. The cigar is medium to full-bodied and has notes of chocolate, coffee, and earthy spices. It is a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts for its rich flavor and smooth smoke.
Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve Cigar
The Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve is currently the 7th most expensive Cigar in the world, worth $750~$1,000. The Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve cigar is a premium cigar that is known for its rich flavor and smooth smoke. It is handcrafted using only the finest tobacco leaves and is aged for at least six years to ensure a smooth and refined taste. The cigar has a dark and oily wrapper that is made from a blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Honduran tobacco. It has a medium to full body and is known for its rich, complex flavor profile that includes notes of leather, earth, and spice. The Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve cigar is a luxury cigar that is perfect for special occasions and is often enjoyed with a glass of whiskey or brandy.
Cohiba Behike Cigar
The Cohiba Behike Cigar is currently the 8th most expensive Cigar in the world, worth $450. The Cohiba Behike is a luxury cigar made by the Cuban cigar manufacturer Habanos S.A. It is considered one of the most exclusive and expensive cigars in the world.
The Behike was first introduced in 2006 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Cohiba brand. It is made with the finest tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba and is hand-rolled by expert cigar rollers known as torcedores.
The Behike is available in three sizes: BHK 52, BHK 54, and BHK 56. Each size is named for its ring gauge (the diameter of the cigar) and features a distinct blend of tobacco.
The Behike is considered a full-bodied cigar with complex flavors and aromas. It is known for its strong and rich taste, with notes of wood, spice, and leather. It is meant to be savored and appreciated over a longer period, making it a perfect choice for cigar aficionados and experienced smokers.
Due to its exclusivity and limited production, the Cohiba Behike is difficult to find and can be quite expensive. It is considered a true luxury item and is often given as a gift to mark special occasions or to celebrate success.
Arturo Fuente Opus X
The Arturo Fuente Opus X is currently the 9th most expensive Cigar in the world, worth $300. Arturo Fuente Opus X is a premium cigar brand produced by the Arturo Fuente cigar company. The cigars are made with a blend of Dominican filler and binder and are wrapped in a rare and highly sought-after wrapper leaf grown on the company’s own Chateau de la Fuente farm in the Dominican Republic. The cigars are known for their rich, complex flavor profile and smooth, consistent burn. They are considered by many to be among the finest cigars in the world.
Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario Cigar
The Arturo Fuente Don Arturo Gran AniverXario (Sun Grown) is currently the 10th most expensive Cigar in the world, worth $163.
The Arturo Fuente Don Arturo Gran AniverXario (Sun Grown) is a limited edition cigar that was created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Arturo Fuente brand. It is made with a sun-grown wrapper, which is known for its rich, full-bodied flavor. The cigar is medium to full in strength and has notes of cedar, leather, and spice. The construction is flawless and the burn is even and slow. This cigar is considered a luxury item and is highly sought after by cigar aficionados. It is a true collector’s item and is perfect for special occasions or to enjoy with a glass of cognac.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the number 1 cigar in the world?
The number one cigar in the world is the Cuban Cohiba Behike. It is considered to be the most sought-after cigar in the world due to its rarity and high quality.
Is there a $100 cigar?
Yes, some cigars cost $100 or more. Some of the most expensive cigars in the world can cost thousands of dollars.
What’s considered an expensive cigar?
The price of a cigar can vary greatly depending on the brand, size, and quality. Generally, cigars that cost more than $20 are considered expensive.
What are the hardest cigars to get?
The hardest cigars to get are limited edition, rare, and hard-to-find cigars. These cigars are often produced in limited quantities and can be difficult to find. Examples of hard-to-find cigars include the Padron 1964 Anniversary Series, the Fuente Fuente OpusX, and the Arturo Fuente Don Carlos.
What is the tastiest cigar?
This is a subjective question and there is no one definitive answer. Different people have different tastes and preferences when it comes to cigars. Some people prefer milder cigars while others prefer stronger, full-bodied cigars. Ultimately, the tastiest cigar is the one that you enjoy the most.
What is the smoothest cigar to smoke?
The answer to this question is subjective, as different people have different preferences when it comes to cigars. Some of the most popular and highly-rated cigars include the Montecristo No. 2, the Cohiba Robusto, the Padron 1964 Anniversary Series, and the Arturo Fuente Opus X.
Can a cigar last 20 years?
Yes, a cigar can last up to 20 years if it is stored properly. Cigars should be stored in a humidor at a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity of 70%.
How much does a real Cuban cigar cost?
The cost of a real Cuban cigar can vary greatly depending on the size, brand, and quality of the cigar. Generally, a single Cuban cigar can cost anywhere from $5 to $50 or more.
What is a 6 by 60 cigar called?
A 6 by 60 cigar is sometimes referred to as a “Gordo” or “Double Toro.”
What cigar does Sylvester Stallone?
Sylvester Stallone is known to be a fan of Cuban cigars, particularly Cohiba and Montecristo.
What is a cigar?
A cigar is a tightly rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco that is ignited so that its smoke may be drawn into the mouth. Cigars are typically composed of a single type of tobacco, although some brands use multiple types of tobacco in their blends.
How to smoke a cigar?
1. Choose a cigar. Select a cigar that is the right size and shape for your taste.
2. Cut the cigar. Use a sharp cigar cutter to make a clean cut at the end of the cigar.
3. Toast the foot. Hold the cigar over a flame and rotate it until the end is lightly toasted.
4. Light the cigar. Hold the cigar over the flame and draw in the smoke.
5. Smoke the cigar. Take your time and enjoy the flavor of the cigar.
6. Put out the cigar. When you are finished, extinguish the cigar in an ashtray.
How to cut a cigar?
1. Start by cutting the cap off the cigar. Use a sharp cigar cutter or a sharp knife to make a clean cut.
2. Cut the cigar at an angle, about 1/8 of an inch from the cap. This will help the cigar draw better.
3. Take a few puffs to test the draw. If it’s too tight, cut a bit more off the end.
4. Enjoy your cigar!
How to light a cigar?
1. Cut the cigar. Use a sharp cigar cutter to make a clean cut at the end of the cigar.
2. Toast the foot. Hold the cigar over a flame and rotate it until the end of the cigar is lightly toasted.
3. Light the cigar. Hold the cigar over the flame and draw in the smoke. Continue to rotate the cigar until it is evenly lit.
4. Enjoy. Take your time and savor the flavor of the cigar.
How to cut a cigar without a cutter?
If you don’t have a cigar cutter, you can use a sharp knife or scissors to cut the cigar. Start by holding the cigar in one hand and the knife or scissors in the other. Place the blade of the knife or scissors at the end of the cigar and make a straight cut. Make sure to cut the cigar evenly and not too deep.
How to hold a cigar?
1. Start by cutting the cigar. Use a sharp guillotine cutter or a double-bladed cutter to make a clean cut.
2. Place the cigar in your dominant hand. Hold the cigar between your thumb and index finger.
3. Place the cigar in your mouth. Make sure the cigar is not too tight or too loose.
4. Light the cigar. Use a butane lighter or a wooden match to light the cigar.
5. Take a few puffs. Take a few puffs to get the cigar going.
6. Enjoy the cigar. Take your time and savor the flavor of the cigar.
How to put out a cigar?
1. Let the cigar burn out on its own. This is the safest and most effective way to put out a cigar.
2. Tap the cigar gently on an ashtray to remove any excess ash.
3. Place the cigar in an ashtray and let it sit until it has burned out completely.
4. If you need to put out the cigar quickly, you can use a snuffer or a damp cloth to smother the flame.
5. Never use water to put out a cigar, as this can cause the cigar to become soggy and ruin the flavor.
Where to cut a cigar?
The best place to cut a cigar is at the head, which is the closed end of the cigar. You should use a sharp guillotine cutter or cigar scissors to make a clean cut.
How to get rid of cigar breath?
1. Brush your teeth and tongue. Brushing your teeth and tongue is the most effective way to get rid of cigar breath. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste to brush your teeth and a tongue scraper to clean your tongue.
2. Drink plenty of water. Drinking water helps to flush out the toxins and bacteria that cause bad breath.
3. Chew sugar-free gum or mints. Chewing sugar-free gum or mints can help to mask the smell of cigar breath.
4. Use mouthwash. Mouthwash can help to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.
5. Avoid smoking. The best way to get rid of cigar breath is to avoid smoking altogether.
How to roll a cigar?
1. Start by cutting the cigar. Use a sharp guillotine cutter or a double-bladed cigar cutter to make a clean cut.
2. Place the cigar in your hand and hold it between your thumb and forefinger.
3. Place the cigar between your lips and gently suck it in the air. This will help to moisten the cigar and make it easier to roll.
4. Place the cigar on a flat surface and use your fingers to roll it back and forth. This will help to evenly distribute the tobacco inside the cigar.
5. Once the cigar is evenly rolled, use your thumb and forefinger to pinch the ends of the cigar together. This will help to keep the tobacco inside the cigar.
6. Place the cigar in your mouth and gently puff on it. This will help to light the cigar and evenly distribute the smoke.
7. Enjoy your cigar!
Which end of the cigar to light?
The end is with the open end of the wrapper.
How much is a cigar?
The price of a cigar varies widely depending on the type, size, and brand. Generally, a single cigar can range from $2 to $20 or more.
How long does it take to smoke a cigar?
The amount of time it takes to smoke a cigar depends on the size of the cigar and the smoker’s smoking habits. Generally, it takes between 30 minutes and two hours to smoke a cigar.
How to use a cigar punch?
1. Start by cutting off the end of the cigar. Use a sharp knife or cigar cutter to cut off the end of the cigar.
2. Insert the cigar punch into the end of the cigar. Push the punch into the end of the cigar until it is firmly seated.
3. Twist the punch to create a hole. Twist the punch in a circular motion to create a hole at the end of the cigar.
4. Remove the punch. Pull the punch out of the cigar and discard the cut piece of tobacco.
5. Enjoy your cigar. Light the cigar and enjoy the flavor of your favorite cigar.
How long does a cigar last?
The length of time a cigar will last depends on the size and type of cigar, as well as the smoker’s smoking habits. Generally, a cigar can last anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours.
What is the best cigar?
There is no single “best” cigar as taste is subjective. However, some of the most highly-rated cigars include the Padron 1964 Anniversary Series, the Arturo Fuente Opus X, the Ashton VSG, and the Montecristo No. 2.
What is in a cigar?
A cigar typically contains a blend of tobacco, which may include a variety of different types of leaves, such as Connecticut shade, Cuban seed, and Sumatra. The tobacco is usually wrapped in a tobacco leaf, such as a Connecticut shade wrapper, or a homogenized tobacco leaf. Some cigars also contain flavorings, such as herbs, spices, or sweeteners.
How to choose a cigar?
1. Consider your budget. Cigars come in a wide range of prices, so it’s important to decide how much you’re willing to spend before you start shopping.
2. Choose a size. Cigars come in a variety of sizes, from small cigarillos to large Churchill cigars. Consider how much time you have to smoke and how much smoke you want to take in.
3. Select a wrapper. The wrapper is the outermost layer of the cigar and can affect the flavor and strength of the smoke. Common wrappers include Connecticut, Corojo, and Maduro.
4. Choose a brand. There are many cigar brands to choose from, so do some research to find one that fits your taste and budget.
5. Buy from a reputable source. Make sure you buy your cigars from a reputable source to ensure you’re getting a quality product.