Why is cardamom so expensive?

Why Is Cardamom So Expensive?

Why is cardamom so expensive?

Cardamom is a spice that is native to India, Nepal, and Bhutan, and it is also grown in other parts of the world, including Guatemala and Tanzania. There are several reasons why it is relatively expensive. First, it is labor-intensive to cultivate, as the plants must be grown in specific conditions and the pods must be harvested by hand. Second, the plants do not yield a large amount of spice, so it takes a lot of effort to produce even a small amount of cardamom. Finally, the demand for cardamom has increased in recent years, which has led to higher prices.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is cardamom?

Cardamom is a spice commonly used in cooking and baking. It comes from the seeds of a plant in the ginger family and has a strong, sweet, and aromatic flavor. It is often used in dishes such as curries, desserts, and chai tea, and is also used in traditional medicine for its digestive and respiratory benefits. Cardamom is available in green and black varieties, with the green variety being more commonly used in cooking.

What does cardamom taste like?

Cardamom has a warm, sweet, and slightly spicy flavor with hints of citrus and floral notes. It is often described as having a complex and aromatic taste.

What is cardamom used for?

Cardamom is used in cooking as a spice, primarily in sweet dishes such as desserts, cakes, and pastries. It is also used in savory dishes, especially in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. Cardamom has a strong, aromatic flavor and is often used in combination with other spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. It is also used in traditional medicines and as a natural breath freshener.

What does cardamom smell like?

Cardamom has a sweet, spicy, and slightly floral aroma with hints of citrus and pepper. It is often described as having a warm and complex fragrance.

What is cardamom spice?

Cardamom is a spice commonly used in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Scandinavian cooking. It has a sweet, aromatic flavor and is often used in dishes such as curries, rice dishes, and desserts. Cardamom is the seed pod of a plant in the ginger family and is usually sold ground or in whole pods. It is often used in combination with other spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. 

Where to buy cardamom?

Cardamom can be purchased at most grocery stores, specialty spice stores, and online retailers. Some options include:

  • Local grocery store: Many grocery stores carry cardamom in the spice section or the international aisle.

  • Specialty spice store: Stores that specialize in selling a wide variety of spices often carry cardamom in different forms (whole pods, ground, or extract).

  • Online retailers: Cardamom can be purchased online from retailers such as Amazon, SpiceJungle, and Penzeys Spices. It is also often available from international grocery stores that sell online.

What is a cardamom pod?

A cardamom pod is a small, green, triangular-shaped seed pod that is commonly used in cooking and baking as a spice. It has a sweet, floral aroma and a slightly spicy flavor that is often described as a combination of ginger and lemon. Cardamom pods are native to India and are a key ingredient in many traditional dishes, such as Indian chai tea and rice dishes. They can be used whole or ground, and are often added to baked goods, desserts, and savory dishes to add flavor and depth.

How to use cardamom?

Cardamom can be used in a variety of ways in cooking and baking. Here are some suggestions on how to use cardamom:

  1. Add a few crushed cardamom seeds to your coffee or tea for a delicious and aromatic flavor.

  2. Grind up cardamom seeds and mix them into your favorite spice blend for a unique twist on your usual seasoning.

  3. Use cardamom to flavor cakes, bread, and other baked goods. Try adding it to your favorite recipes for a unique and aromatic twist.

  4. Use cardamom to flavor savory dishes such as curries, stews, and marinades.

  5. Add a pinch of cardamom to your smoothies or fruit salads for a subtle and refreshing flavor.

  6. Use cardamom to flavor syrups, glazes, and other sweet sauces for a unique and aromatic twist.

  7. Experiment with using cardamom in different types of dishes and recipes to see how it enhances the flavor. Be sure to start with a small amount and gradually increase to your desired level of flavor.

How to grind cardamom?

To grind cardamom, you will need:

  1. Cardamom pods
  2. A spice grinder or a mortar and pestle


  1. Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods. You can do this by gently squeezing the pod with your fingers and pulling the seeds out, or by cutting the pod open with a knife.
  2. Place the seeds in your spice grinder or mortar and pestle.
  3. If using a spice grinder, pulse the seeds until they are ground to your desired consistency. If using a mortar and pestle, grind the seeds by pressing and twisting the pestle into the seeds until they are ground to your desired consistency.
  4. If you want a finer ground, sift the ground seeds through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any larger pieces.
  5. Store the ground cardamom in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to 6 months.

How many seeds are in a cardamom pod?

There are typically around 10-20 seeds in a cardamom pod.

What can I substitute for cardamom?

If you don’t have cardamom, you can substitute it with:

  1. Nutmeg – use about half the amount the recipe calls for in cardamom.
  2. Cinnamon – use about half the amount the recipe calls for in cardamom.
  3. Cloves – use about half the amount the recipe calls for in cardamom.
  4. Ginger – use about half the amount as the recipe calls for in cardamom.
  5. Allspice – use about half the amount the recipe calls for in cardamom.

What is ground cardamom?

Ground cardamom is a spice that is made by grinding whole cardamom seeds into a fine powder. It is commonly used in cooking and baking and has a warm, aromatic flavor that is similar to a combination of ginger and pepper. Cardamom is often used in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine and is a key ingredient in many dishes, including curries, chai tea, and desserts. Ground cardamom is typically sold in small jars or packets and can be found in most grocery stores or specialty spice shops.

How to use cardamom pods?

To use cardamom pods, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the seeds from the pods: Carefully open the pods and remove the seeds inside. You can do this by gently squeezing the pod or using your fingers to pull the seeds out.

  2. Grind the seeds: Using a spice grinder, mortar, and pestle, or a rolling pin and plastic bag, grind the seeds into a fine powder.

  3. Use the ground cardamom: Add the ground cardamom to your recipe as directed. Cardamom is commonly used in sweet dishes such as cakes, cookies, and ice cream, as well as savory dishes such as curries and rice dishes.

  4. Store the remaining cardamom: If you have any leftover cardamom seeds or pods, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Ground cardamom will lose its flavor quickly, so it’s best to grind the seeds as needed. Cardamom pods will keep their flavor longer, so you can store them whole and grind them as needed.

How to grow cardamom?

  1. Cardamom plants prefer a tropical climate with high humidity, warm temperatures, and partial shade. They can be grown in pots or the ground, but make sure the soil is well-draining and rich in organic matter.

  2. Cardamom plants can be started from seeds or by planting rhizomes. If using seeds, soak them in water for a day or two to soften the outer layer and then plant them in pots or seedlings trays filled with moist soil. If planting rhizomes, make sure they are fresh and healthy, and plant them about 2 inches deep in the soil.

  3. Water the plants regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. Cardamom plants are drought-sensitive, so they need a consistent water supply to grow properly.

  4. Cardamom plants grow slowly, so they need to be fertilized regularly to encourage healthy growth. Use a balanced fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, and apply it every two to four weeks during the growing season.

  5. Cardamom plants produce small, white flowers that eventually turn into green pods. The pods contain cardamom seeds, which can be harvested when they are ripe and dried. To harvest the pods, cut off the stems with a sharp knife, and then split the pods open to remove the seeds.

  6. Cardamom plants need to be protected from pests and diseases, such as aphids, thrips, and fungal infections. Keep the plants well-watered and fertilized to encourage healthy growth, and use pest control products if necessary to keep pests at bay.

What flavor is cardamom?

Cardamom has a sweet, slightly spicy, and floral flavor. It is often described as having a warm and aromatic taste.

How to make cardamom tea?

To make cardamom tea, you will need:

  1. Water
  2. Cardamom pods (around 5-6 pods)
  3. Tea leaves (black or green tea)
  4. Sugar (optional)
  5. Milk (optional)


  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
  2. While the water is heating up, crush the cardamom pods using a mortar and pestle or using the back of a spoon.
  3. Once the water is boiling, add the crushed cardamom pods and a teaspoon of tea leaves.
  4. Let the tea steep for about 3-4 minutes.
  5. Strain the tea into a mug or teapot and sweeten it with sugar if desired.
  6. If you prefer a creamy tea, add a splash of milk.
  7. Enjoy your warm and aromatic cardamom tea.

How to make cardamom powder?

To make cardamom powder, you will need:

  1. Cardamom pods
  2. A blender or a coffee grinder


  1. Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods. You can do this by using a small knife to split the pod open and remove the seeds inside.

  2. Discard the pods and place the seeds in a blender or a coffee grinder.

  3. Grind the seeds until they become a fine powder. This may take a few minutes, depending on the strength of your blender or grinder.

  4. If you are using a coffee grinder, you may need to pulse the seeds a few times to avoid overheating the grinder.

  5. Once the seeds are ground into a fine powder, transfer the cardamom powder to an airtight container and store it in a cool, dry place.

  6. Use the cardamom powder in your favorite recipes, such as chai tea or baked goods. Enjoy!

What does cardamom look like?

Cardamom is a small, green seed pod that grows on a plant in the ginger family. It has a thin, papery outer shell and contains small, black seeds inside. The pods are typically elongated and oval and are about the size of a small thumb. Cardamom pods are often sold whole, or the seeds can be removed from the pods and ground into a fine powder. Cardamom has a strong, aromatic flavor and is often used in savory and sweet dishes in Middle Eastern, Indian, and Scandinavian cuisines.

How to use cardamom in coffee?

To use cardamom in coffee, follow these steps:

  1. Grind the cardamom seeds: Remove the seeds from the pods and grind them using a mortar and pestle or a spice grinder.

  2. Add the cardamom to your coffee: Measure out the desired amount of cardamom and add it to your coffee grounds before brewing. A general rule is to use about 1/4 teaspoon of ground cardamom per cup of coffee.

  3. Brew your coffee as usual: Follow your normal brewing process, whether that’s using a drip coffee maker, French press, or another method.

  4. Sweeten and serve: If desired, add a touch of sugar or honey to your coffee to balance out the spicy flavor of the cardamom. Serve hot and enjoy!

Where is cardamom grown?

Cardamom is grown in many countries, including India, Guatemala, Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and other countries in Southeast Asia. It is also grown in smaller quantities in other tropical countries such as Tanzania, Costa Rica, and Colombia.