10 Most Expensive Nuts in the World

10 Most Expensive Nuts in the World

Nuts are not only delicious but also nutritious. They are rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, and minerals that can benefit your health in many ways. However, nuts are also quite pricey, especially compared to other snacks like chips or candy. Why are nuts so expensive? And which nuts are the most expensive ones in the world? In this article, we will answer these questions and rank the top 10 most expensive nuts in the world, based on the average price per pound.

What Makes Nuts So Expensive?

Several factors affect the price of nuts, such as:

  • Growing conditions: Some nuts require specific climates and environments to grow, which limits their availability and increases their production costs. For example, pine nuts come from pine trees that grow in semiarid or Mediterranean regions, and macadamia nuts come from trees that thrive in tropical and subtropical areas. These nuts are more expensive than peanuts, which can grow in a variety of soils and climates.
  • Harvesting methods: Some nuts are more difficult and labor-intensive to harvest than others, which adds to their value. For example, pistachios have to be hand-picked from the trees, and cashews have to be separated from their toxic shells. These nuts are more expensive than almonds, which can be harvested by machines.
  • Supply and demand: The demand for nuts is high, as they are popular snacks and ingredients for many cuisines and dishes. However, the supply of nuts is limited, as some nut-bearing plants and trees take a long time to mature and produce nuts. For example, macadamia nut trees can take up to 15 years to reach full production, and chestnut trees can take up to 20 years. These nuts are more expensive than walnuts, which can produce nuts after 4 to 5 years.
  • Health benefits: Nuts are considered superfoods, as they have many health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, improving heart health, boosting brain function, and preventing diabetes. These benefits make nuts more desirable and valuable, as people are willing to pay more for healthy foods. For example, pecans are high in antioxidants, which can protect the cells from damage and inflammation. These nuts are more expensive than hazelnuts, which have lower antioxidant levels.

The Top 10 Most Expensive Nuts in the World

Now that we know what makes nuts so expensive, let’s see which nuts are the most expensive ones in the world. Here is the list, from the cheapest to the most expensive:

Hazelnuts – $0.61 – $0.91 per pound

Hazelnuts are also known as filberts, and they are native to Europe and Asia. They have a sweet and nutty flavor and a crunchy texture. They are commonly used in confectioneries, such as chocolate, nougat, and praline. They are also used to make hazelnut oil, butter, and flour. Hazelnuts are high in protein, fiber, iron, vitamin E, and magnesium. They can help lower blood pressure, improve skin health, and prevent cancer. Hazelnuts are relatively cheap, as they are widely available and easy to grow. However, their price can vary depending on the weather and the market conditions. In 2023, hazelnut prices dropped due to the China tariffs and the devaluation of the Turkish currency.

Pistachios – $2.00 – $2.50 per pound

Pistachios are also known as green almonds, and they are native to Central Asia and the Middle East. They have a distinctive green color and a rich buttery flavor. They are often eaten as snacks, or used in desserts, salads, and sauces. They are also used to make pistachio oil, butter, and milk. Pistachios are high in unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, and antioxidants. They can help lower cholesterol, improve blood sugar, enhance eye health, and promote weight loss. Pistachios are more expensive than hazelnuts, as they require specific growing conditions and harvesting methods. They need hot and dry climates, and they have to be hand-picked from the trees. They also have a low yield, as only 50% of the nuts are edible.

Walnuts – $5.00 – $9.00 per pound

Walnuts are also known as English walnuts, and they are native to Europe and Asia. They have a brown and wrinkled shell and light and creamy flesh. They have a bitter and earthy flavor and a soft and crumbly texture. They are often eaten as snacks, or used in baked goods, salads, and cheese boards. They are also used to make walnut oil, butter, and flour. Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, manganese, copper, and antioxidants. They can help improve brain health, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and prevent diabetes. Walnuts are more expensive than pistachios, as they have a longer growing cycle and a shorter shelf life. They can take up to 5 years to produce nuts, and they can go rancid quickly if not stored properly.

Almonds – $5.00 – $7.00 per pound

Almonds are also known as sweet almonds, and they are native to the Middle East and South Asia. They have a brown and hard shell and white and crunchy flesh. They have a sweet and nutty flavor and a crisp and chewy texture. They are often eaten as snacks, or used in desserts, cereals, and granola bars. They are also used to make almond milk, butter, oil, and flour. Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats, protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin E. They can help lower cholesterol, improve bone health, boost energy, and prevent constipation. Almonds are more expensive than walnuts, as they require a lot of water and bees to grow. They need about 1.1 gallons of water per nut, and they depend on honeybees for pollination. California produces about 80% of the world’s almonds, and it faces water shortages and bee colony collapses.

Pecans – $6.00 – $9.00 per pound

Pecans are also known as American nuts, and they are native to North America. They have a brown and smooth shell and tan and meaty flesh. They have a sweet and buttery flavor and a rich and creamy texture. They are often eaten as snacks, or used in pies, cookies, and candies. They are also used to make pecan oil, butter, and flour. Pecans are high in unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, zinc, manganese, and antioxidants. They can help lower cholesterol, improve heart health, protect the cells, and enhance memory. Pecans are more expensive than almonds, as they have a low yield and a high demand. They can take up to 10 years to produce nuts, and they are susceptible to pests and diseases. They are also popular in the US, especially during the holidays, which drives up their price.

Cashews – $6.00 – $9.00 per pound

Cashews are also known as kidney nuts, and they are native to Brazil and India. They have a gray and curved shell and white and tender flesh. They have a mild and sweet flavor and a smooth and creamy texture. They are often eaten as snacks, or used in curries, stir-fries, and sauces. They are also used to make cashew milk, butter, cheese, and oil. Cashews are high in unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, iron, copper, and magnesium. They can help lower blood pressure, improve blood sugar, support nerve function, and prevent anemia. Cashews are more expensive than pecans, as they have a complex and dangerous harvesting process. They grow on the bottom of cashew apples, and they have a toxic shell that has to be removed by hand. The shell contains a caustic resin that can cause skin burns and respiratory problems.

Chestnuts – $4.00 – $6.00 per pound

Chestnuts are also known as sweet chestnuts, and they are native to Europe and Asia. They have a brown and spiky shell and a yellow and starchy flesh. They have a mild and sweet flavor and a soft and crumbly texture. They are often eaten roasted, boiled, or candied, or used in soups, stuffing, and cakes. They are also used to make chestnut flour, butter, and milk. Chestnuts are high in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants. They can help boost immunity, prevent scurvy, lower blood pressure, and fight infections. Chestnuts are more expensive than cashews, as they have a short season and a limited supply. They are only available in the fall and winter, and they are prone to blight and pests. They are also difficult to store, as they can spoil quickly if not refrigerated or frozen.

Macadamia Nuts – $10.00 – $20.00 per pound

Macadamia nuts are also known as Queensland nuts, and they are native to Australia and Hawaii. They have a brown and hard shell and white and oily flesh. They have a rich and buttery flavor and a crunchy and smooth texture. They are often eaten as snacks, or used in cookies, chocolates, and ice cream. They are also used to make macadamia oil, butter, and milk. Macadamia nuts are high in monounsaturated fats, protein, fiber, thiamine, manganese, and antioxidants. They can help lower cholesterol, improve skin health, support brain function, and prevent oxidative stress. Macadamia nuts are more expensive than chestnuts, as they have a long and slow growing cycle and a high demand. They can take up to 15 years to produce nuts, and they are harvested by hand. They are also popular in the US, Japan, and China, which drives up their price.

Pine Nuts – $15.00 – $30.00 per pound

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