The 10 Most Expensive Birds In The World

The 10 Most Expensive Birds In The World

In the diverse realm of avian wonders, some species possess an allure that extends far beyond their enchanting melodies and vibrant plumage. A select few, coveted for their extraordinary beauty, rarity, or distinctive attributes, have commanded astounding prices in the world of bird enthusiasts.

From exotic parrots to exquisite birds of prey, join us on a journey as we explore the realm of extravagance and discover the ten most expensive birds in the world, where their captivating presence is not only a testament to their intrinsic value but also a testament to the human fascination with these magnificent creatures

10 Most Expensive Birds In The World

Bird Name Bird Price
Northern Cardinal $800
Mountain Bluebird $850
Northern Oriole $850
Scarlet Tanager $900
Flamingo $1,500
Ayam Cemani Chicken $2,500
Toucan $9,500
Black Palm Cockatoo $16,000
Hyacinth Macaws $40,000
Racing Pigeons $1,900,000

Northern Cardinal

Northern Cardinal 

The Northern Cardinal is the 10th most expensive bird in the world. The Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is a charismatic and striking bird that captures the attention of bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

With its vibrant red plumage, bold black mask-like markings, and distinguished crest, the male Northern Cardinal is a true sight to behold. This bird holds the distinction of being the official state bird in seven U.S. states, a testament to its iconic status.

Found across North America, the Northern Cardinal thrives in a variety of habitats, from woodlands and forests to suburban gardens. Its melodious songs fill the air, with the male’s clear whistles and trills serving as a hallmark of its presence.

As a symbol of vitality and renewal, the Northern Cardinal enchants observers and adds a touch of natural beauty to its surroundings.

Mountain Bluebird

Mountain Bluebird

The Mountain Bluebird is the 9th most expensive bird in the world. The Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) is a stunning and captivating bird native to the western regions of North America.

With its striking sky-blue plumage, the Mountain Bluebird stands out as a beacon of beauty against its natural habitat. This small bird, known for its compact body and short tail, brings a touch of color and elegance to the open landscapes it calls home. It can be found in meadows, grasslands, and mountainous areas, delighting birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts with its graceful flights and gentle songs.

As a migratory species, the Mountain Bluebird embarks on seasonal journeys, seeking lower elevations during winter and returning to its breeding grounds in the spring. Its diet consists mainly of insects, which it skillfully catches while hovering in mid-air.

During the breeding season, the Mountain Bluebird engages in courtship displays and utilizes tree cavities or nest boxes to raise its clutch of pale blue eggs. This captivating bird serves as a symbol of natural wonder and reminds us of the incredible beauty that can be found in the world around us.

Northern Oriole

Northern Oriole

The Northern Oriole is the 8th most expensive bird in the world. The Northern Oriole, also known as the Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula), is a captivating bird found in North America.

With its vibrant orange and black plumage, the male Northern Oriole is a visual delight. Its brilliant orange feathers contrast beautifully with its black wings, tail, and face mask. The female Northern Oriole, while less flamboyant, displays a subtler blend of yellowish-orange and brown hues.

These birds are known for their sweet, melodious songs that echo through forests and woodlands during the breeding season. The Northern Oriole is a migratory species, spending winters in Central America and the Caribbean and returning to breed in eastern and central parts of North America.

They construct pendulous nests, skillfully woven from plant fibers, and often hang from tree branches. The Northern Oriole is a treasured symbol of beauty and the arrival of spring, making it a sought-after sight among birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.

Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager

The Scarlet Tanager is the 7th most expensive bird in the world. The Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea) is a stunning bird that graces the forests of North America. The male Scarlet Tanager is renowned for its vibrant plumage, featuring a brilliant scarlet body and contrasting black wings and tail. Its appearance is truly eye-catching and stands out against the green foliage.

The female, while less showy, still possesses an elegant beauty with olive-green upper parts and yellowish underparts. These birds are known for their distinctive song, a series of rich and melodious phrases that can be heard echoing through the forest canopy during the breeding season.

Scarlet Tanagers breed in deciduous and mixed woodlands across their range and have a preference for mature forests with ample tree cover. Observing a Scarlet Tanager in its natural habitat is a true delight for bird enthusiasts, as it represents a vivid splash of color and a testament to the wonders of the avian world.



The Flamingo is the 6th most expensive bird in the world. The Flamingo is a remarkable and iconic bird known for its distinctive appearance and graceful presence. These large wading birds are recognized for their long, slender legs, curved necks, and unique beaks.

Flamingos are most famous for their vibrant plumage, which ranges from pale pink to deep red, due to their specialized diet of crustaceans and algae rich in pigments. Their striking colors and elegant postures make them a sight to behold, especially when gathered in large flocks.

Found in various parts of the world, including Africa, the Americas, and Europe, flamingos typically inhabit shallow bodies of water such as lakes, lagoons, and estuaries. They are adept swimmers and skilled filter feeders, using their specialized beaks to strain food from the water.

Flamingos engage in elaborate courtship displays, forming monogamous pairs that engage in synchronized movements and vocalizations. These captivating birds have become symbols of beauty, grace, and exoticism, captivating the imaginations of people around the globe.

Ayam Cemani Chicken

Ayam Cemani Chicken

The Ayam Cemani Chicken is the 5th most expensive bird in the world. The Ayam Cemani chicken is a unique and striking breed known for its distinct appearance and intriguing characteristics.

Originating from Indonesia, these chickens are renowned for their entirely black feathers, including their skin, muscles, and internal organs, a rare genetic trait known as fibromatosis. Their feathers have an iridescent sheen, showcasing shades of green and purple in the right lighting.

The Ayam Cemani is not only visually stunning but also has a reputation for being an exotic and prized breed. They are medium-sized chickens with a proud posture, and their striking appearance has made them highly sought after by chicken enthusiasts and collectors around the world.

Beyond their appearance, Ayam Cemani chickens are known for their friendly and docile nature, making them popular pets and ornamental birds. While their striking black coloration might make them seem mysterious, Ayam Cemani chickens are a testament to the diversity and beauty found in the world of poultry.



The Toucan is the 4th most expensive bird in the world. The Toucan is a remarkable and charismatic bird known for its striking appearance and unique features.

Native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, toucans are instantly recognizable by their large, brightly colored beaks. These bills are not only visually impressive but also serve a practical purpose, helping the toucans reach and consume a variety of fruits, insects, and small vertebrates.

Toucans are medium-sized birds with stout bodies, short necks, and long tails. They are adorned with beautiful plumage, often featuring a mix of vibrant colors such as black, orange, yellow, and white. Their captivating appearance, coupled with their playful and social behavior, has made toucans popular among bird enthusiasts and in popular culture.

Toucans are highly agile in flight, thanks to their large wings, and they are also adept climbers, using their strong bills to move through the forest canopy. The toucan’s presence in the rainforest is not only a visual delight but also an important part of the ecosystem, contributing to seed dispersal and playing a role in pollination.

Overall, toucans are a symbol of the exotic beauty and biodiversity of the tropical forests they call home.

Black Palm Cockatoo

Black Palm Cockatoo

The Black Palm Cockatoo is the 3rd most expensive bird in the world. The Black Palm Cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus), also known as the Goliath Cockatoo, is a magnificent and captivating bird native to the rainforests of New Guinea and nearby islands.

Considered one of the largest species of cockatoos, the Black Palm Cockatoo stands out with its impressive size and unique features. It is characterized by its jet-black plumage, large size, and a distinctive large crest on its head. Its powerful black bill is specially adapted for cracking open hard nuts and seeds, which form a significant part of its diet.

This majestic bird possesses a deep and resonant call that can be heard from a considerable distance. Despite its striking appearance, the Black Palm Cockatoo is also known for its gentle and intelligent nature, forming strong bonds with its human caregivers.

However, due to habitat loss and poaching, the Black Palm Cockatoo faces threats in the wild, making its conservation a crucial endeavor. Witnessing the grandeur of a Black Palm Cockatoo in flight or hearing its resonant calls is an unforgettable experience, showcasing the awe-inspiring diversity of the avian world.


Hyacinth Macaws

Hyacinth Macaws

The Hyacinth Macaws is the 2nd most expensive bird in the world. The Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) is a truly magnificent and captivating bird native to the rainforests of South America.

With its vibrant cobalt blue plumage and striking yellow-ringed eyes, the Hyacinth Macaw stands out as one of the most beautiful parrot species in the world. It is the largest species of parrot, reaching an impressive length of up to 100 centimeters (3.3 feet).

Known for its graceful flight and acrobatic abilities, the Hyacinth Macaw possesses a strong and curved beak that allows it to crack open hard nuts and seeds, its primary diet. These birds are highly intelligent and social, often forming strong bonds with their mates and displaying remarkable vocalizations.

Sadly, the Hyacinth Macaw faces conservation challenges due to habitat loss and illegal trapping for the pet trade. Conservation efforts are essential to protect this iconic and awe-inspiring species.

Witnessing the vibrant blue presence and hearing the raucous calls of the Hyacinth Macaw is an extraordinary experience that serves as a reminder of the incredible beauty and diversity found in the natural world.

Racing Pigeons

Racing Pigeons

The Racing Pigeons is the most expensive bird in the world. Racing pigeons, also known as homing pigeons, are a special breed of pigeons that possess remarkable navigational and flying abilities. These birds have been selectively bred for their homing instincts and their ability to return to their home loft from great distances.

Racing pigeon enthusiasts engage in pigeon racing, a competitive sport where these birds are released from a designated location and race back to their lofts. Pigeons can cover vast distances, sometimes exceeding hundreds of miles, at impressive speeds. They navigate using various cues, including the Earth’s magnetic field, visual landmarks, and their keen sense of orientation.

Racing pigeons are known for their resilience, endurance, and strong homing instincts. Dedicated pigeon fanciers invest time, effort, and expertise in training and caring for their birds, ensuring they are in optimal condition for competitions. Pigeon racing is not only a thrilling sport but also a celebration of the bond between humans and these remarkable feathered athletes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to draw a bird?

  1. Begin by drawing a small oval shape for the head and a slightly larger oval shape for the body.
  2. Add two lines coming out of the head for the neck and connect them to the body.
  3. Sketch out the wings by drawing two curved lines coming out of the body.
  4. Add two small circles for the eyes and a small triangle for the beak.
  5. Sketch out the legs by drawing two lines coming out from the bottom of the body.
  6. Add in any additional details such as feathers, claws, or additional facial features.
  7. Erase any unnecessary lines and use different shades of a pencil to add depth and dimension to the drawing.
  8. Finish the drawing by giving the bird some color, either with pencils or paints.

How old is larry bird?

Larry Bird was born on December 7, 1956, so he is currently 67 years old.

How tall is the big bird?

Big Bird from Sesame Street is 8 feet 2 inches tall.

What is the name of the bird from Twitter’s logo?

The bird from Twitter’s logo is named the Twitter Bluebird.

How many rings does larry bird have?

Larry Bird has three NBA championship rings.

What to feed a baby bird?

It is not recommended to feed baby birds as they have specific dietary needs and it is important to leave the care of wild baby birds to trained professionals. If you have found a baby bird and are concerned about its well-being, it is best to contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center for guidance. They will be able to provide the necessary care and nutrition for the baby bird.

When did the dodo bird go extinct?

The dodo bird went extinct in the late 1600s.

Why is bird poop white?

Bird poop is white because it is made up of uric acid crystals. Uric acid is a waste product that is produced by the bird’s body and excreted through the urinary system. The uric acid is then mixed with other substances, such as bile, to form the white, pasty substance that is commonly referred to as bird poop.

What state’s official bird is the roadrunner?

New Mexico.

What does it mean when a bird poops on you?

The owl.

What does it mean when you see a red bird?

It is difficult to give a definite answer as seeing a red bird can have different meanings or significance depending on the context and cultural beliefs of the person seeing it. Here are a few possible interpretations:

  • Some people believe that red birds symbolize love and passion, as the color red is often associated with these emotions.
  • In some Native American cultures, red birds are seen as symbols of good fortune and prosperity.
  • In some Asian cultures, red birds are associated with happiness and good luck.
  • Some people believe that red birds may be spiritual or psychic, and their appearance can be seen as a message or a sign from the spiritual realm.
  • In some cases, seeing a red bird may simply be a coincidence and not hold any particular meaning.
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